Little Bee Speech

Strategies for School SLPs: Preventing Burnout

Preventing Burnout

Whether you’re a veteran SLP or this is your first year, starting the school year with a plan for preventing and managing burnout is essential for maintaining your well-being and providing the best possible care to your students.

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Strategies for School SLPs: Managing IEPs

Strategies for School SLPs: Managing IEPs

Starting the school year with clear expectations and a well-organized approach to IEPs can significantly reduce your workload. By following these strategies, you’ll be better equipped to manage your responsibilities effectively.

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Strategies for School SLPs: Group Sessions

Strategies for School SLPs: Group Sessions

Organizing group therapy sessions efficiently is essential for success. Here are some practical tips to get your school year off to a great start when it comes to group therapy sessions.

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Strategies for School SLPs: Caseload & Scheduling

Strategies for School SLPs: Caseload & Scheduling

Starting the school year with a well-organized caseload and schedule is essential for any SLP. By following these strategies, you can ensure a more efficient and productive year, benefiting both you and your students.

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Taking Notes in Therapy

Taking Notes in Therapy

The ability to clearly document observations, student progress, and therapy plans can make a significant difference in the quality of care you provide. But even with our best intentions, we often end up with disorganized notes consisting of sporadic thoughts and scores that can be time consuming to organize.

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Thriving (not just surviving) in SLP Graduate School

Thriving (not just surviving) in SLP Graduate School

The SLP grad school experience is a complex journey. You may often feel like you are just surviving. But, nobody wants to just survive! This experience is the foundation for your lifelong career. Here are a few tips that we’ve found helpful for not only surviving grad school but thriving in grad school!

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Partnering with Parents in Therapy

Partnering with Parents in Therapy

Parents and Speech-Language Pathologists have the same ultimate goal– to support the child’s ability to grow and thrive, in the therapy room and beyond. How do we facilitate a collaborative and successful partnership that will ultimately help the child reach their speech potential?

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What is the Little Bee Hive Membership?

What is the Little Bee Hive membership?

The Little Bee Hive membership includes access to both of our comprehensive mobile software apps for assessing and treating speech sound disorders…

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Screen Time & Use of Technology in Therapy

Screen Time & Use of Technology in Therapy

As a company that makes educational software, we think it is important to have open discussions about when it is and isn’t beneficial to use technology with our children. After all, not all screen time is created equal…

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Multimodal Cueing For Speech Sound Disorders

Screen Time & Use of Technology in Therapy

One of the most significant ways we scaffold and support a child’s progress with speech sound disorders is through multimodal cueing. Multimodal cues are cues that involve more than one learning modality.

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